Market Demand for Rice Husk Pellets is Increasing

Rice husk pellet is made of biomass waste rice husk from the rice processing industries. As a good source of alternative energy over fossil fuels, rice husk pellets is gaining the increasing market demand.

Analysis Report of Pellet Processing & Utilization in Vietnam

The main ideal of this report shows that there are many biomass fuel in Vietnam, such as rice husk, bagasse, coffee waste and coconut. these biomass fuel can be processed into different types of pellets,therefore numbers of plants occurred in Vietnam

Feasibility Analysis for Making EFB Pellets

Palm EFB is a promising raw material for biofuel pellets making. It is abundant and cost-efficient. EFB Pelletizing technology is mature now. The EFB pellets processed by palm waste pellet mill get a good market feedback.

Start to Make Sunflower Husk Pellets for Home use

Sunflower husk is dry, uniform easy to process. It is an ideal raw material for biomass pellet machine. Sunflower husk pellets is uniform, cheap and with high efficiency. You will enjoy using this renewable clean energy resource.

Making Paper Mill Residues into Wood Pellet Fuel

It is a trend for paper mills to dispose their paper production residues in a sustainable, efficient and environmental-friendly way. Making fuel pellets from paper factory residues is a proven and efficient method.

Make Fuel Pellets from Pallet Factory Residue

Pellet production line contains crushing, drying, pelletizing, cooling and packing. The production line owns flexible and easy operation to complete high-efficiency work, which make it possible for pallet producers to make pellets by recycling pallet

DIN plus pellets or EN plus pellets

Two popular pellet quality certification standards accepted by regional pellet producers and pellet consumers, are the DIN plus pellet certification and EN plus pellet certification.

Analysis of Thailand Biomass and Biomass Pellet Market

Thailand has abundant forest resources and crop resources, which is an advantage for Thailand to produce and use wood pellet as a kind of green energy, and makes it possible to develop Thailand as the biomass pellet trade center in ASEAN.

Wood Pellet Plant with 4 Sets of Ring Die Pellet Mills

Bioenergy is a form of renewable energy derived from biomass to generate electricity and heat. Here is biomass pellet production line equipped with four Model 420 ring die pellet mills and other auxiliary equipment to help your pellet production

Is It Time to GO BACK to Burn Heating Oil?

The heating oil price is currently decreasing. What does this drop in heating oil price mean for the pellet heating markets? Is it time to go back to burn heating oil? The answer is NO. Biomass energy still has great potentials and now it might be the

The Feasibility of Making Peat Fuel Pellets

Pelletzing technology has made peat fuel pellets as an efficient and advantageous fuel form. Quality peat pellet mill can make quality peat pellets for power plants, heating system or pellet stoves.

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